Focus on people, not things.

The path to real happiness doesn’t lie through an iPhone or a fancy car. In fact, research suggests that people who are focused on material things are often trying to make up for other, unfulfilled needs in their lives. Materialistic people are often less happy with themselves and their lives than people who are less focused on “stuff.” It’s fine to appreciate what you have, but remember that things won’t bring you joy. They may even increase your likelihood of feeling sad or fearful.

  • Of course, you need to make enough money to meet basic needs — food, shelter, and clothing. If you’re living in poverty, you are far more likely to experience sadness and frustration than people who are economically comfortable, largely because of all the stress you’re under. Once you make enough to support basic needs, however, your happiness is not significantly affected by how much money you make, but by your level of optimism.

Information found here

Time to reach out and connect with friends and/or family? Go out to dinner or have a friend over for coffee, beer or a glass of wine. Trust me you can find the time. And there’s always a good excuse. Meet up for game night or to watch the game. Look on a calendar and celebrate a full moon or National Margarita Day!


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